My First Xbox Blog – Is Gaming Anti-Social

Growing up playing games like Sega, Xbox, PlayStations etc. I always felt it was a social experience – like any other social media out there, but more so.  I was connected real time with other players.  No waiting for someone to respond in Facebook or to your latest Tweet.

I remember my nephews (and I and a few new random online friends) sitting around yelling at each other to shoot someone or watch out for the Grunt. We would stay up all night passing the controller back and forth – finding new people to play with and meet.

It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago, but it guess it was.  When I actually find a spare minute in between my new job and night school to sit down and go into a game and I rarely find anyone to play with.  Is it because we all grew up and there is no more time?  If I do find someone – nobody turns their microphones on any more.  If you don’t have your mike on and have no conversation going on – how do you ever meet anyone?

Maybe it is the anti-bullying thing going on.  Everyone is afraid to say anything for fear of being labeled a bully. I get so tired of all of the hype around the latest issues that seem to creep into unexpected places….like gaming.  Of course I am anti-bullying, but in all my years of playing – there may have been smack talk, but nobody was bullied.  Everyone just had fun, laughed and drank energy drinks.

Happy Gaming:


Anyway, not sure what all I will be blogging about since I’m just starting out.  Hoping to write about some of the games I love, my achievements and stuff like that.  Bookmark this blog and check back to see what’s new!